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Hypnotherapy near me  Hypnotherapy for Insomnia  Sleep hypnosis  Hypnotherapy for weight loss  Hypnotherapy to stop smoking

Is something affecting your daily life?

Hypnotherapy is an effective solution for many aspects of life that we find challenging. This is a real option to help let mindsets go and to break negative habits and behaviours.

If you are looking for a more fulfilled life, one that is free from debilitating feelings and subsequent behaviour patterns, hypnotherapy can help you find that calm and relaxed inner peace.


Effectively helping with;


  • Phobias

  • Past-life regression

  • Stress and anxiety

  • Unwanted Habits like nail biting

  • Insomnia​

  • Bruxism

  • IBS


Learn to live a more relaxed, calm life without unwanted stressors or complicated behaviours that stop you from getting the most out of each day.


Hypnotherapy sessions as above cost £80 per session (each session is 60-75 mins).


Contact me now to discuss a programme to suit your concern or life challenge today.

Get in Touch

If you would like to know more about how hypnotherapy can help would be great to hear from you.

Sally Davies D.Hyp, PDCHyp, MBSCH


Tel: 07515 991599

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