by Allison Cruise
These are anxious times. Will things go back to normal? Will you ever feel balanced and settled in these days that frequently feel decidedly uncertain? Anxiety is something all of us have experienced at one time or another. And for some of us, it can be a prolonged and ongoing mindset that we just can’t shake. Here is where hypnotherapy for anxiety can step in and intercept those recurring feelings that can be so unsettling.
What is anxiety?
First off, know that anxiety is real and exists for a reason. It’s your mind and body’s reaction to a stressful state, unfamiliar situation, or a state of perceived threat or danger. It’s part of our fight or flight response in our central nervous system and helps us to either avoid or react quickly to those types of situations.
This is completely normal and could be described as the feelings you have before giving a speech, having a job interview, getting lost on a hike, or doing a bungee jump.
Some use fear interchangeably with anxiety, but they are different. Fear is a specific thing, while anxiety may best be described as an undefined feeling of impending doom, or the what-if’s that pepper our mindset. When anxiety continues unabated it can feel relentless.
But what happens when it persists and causes emotional distress?
Panic attacks, phobias, insomnia, teeth grinding, brain fog, indecision, and obsessive-compulsive disorders can soon follow and have a debilitating effect on our physical and mental health.
What can prolonged anxiety do to my health?
When we are in the midst of prolonged emotional stress our sympathetic nervous system is constantly releasing cortisol into our system. If that happens it can result in physical reactions like problems concentrating, sleep disorders, digestive disorders, a reduced immune system, higher blood pressure, and even short-term memory loss.
Emotionally it can be described as feelings of constant worry, dread, racing thoughts, negativity, hopelessness, and a fixation on personal safety or death.
These are not minor inconveniences when it comes to your health, that is something we can all agree on!
So what are your options to improve your mental and therefore physical health and help alleviate being caught in a constantly anxious state?
How can I treat anxiety?
In many cases, your first port of call should be getting evaluated by your GP to ensure there aren’t other mental health issues at play such as depression, substance misuse, or PTSD which might require further medical intervention and treatment.
But the most common type of anxiety GP’s see is General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) which isn’t treated with pharmaceuticals or psychotherapy.
Instead using techniques like hypnotherapy, mindfulness, relaxation techniques, cognitive behavioural therapy and support groups might be discussed as options that will help assist you to break the cycle.
How does hypnotherapy help treat anxiety?
The hypnosis process is a safe, non-invasive way to alleviate the anxiety, even crippling anxiety, that puts individuals in an overwhelming state or place.
While in a hypnotic state that is fully discussed during your consultation prior to your first hypnosis session you will usually embed positive, empowering, and thought clearing messages. They can help reset and eliminate the negative messages your subconscious perpetuates, boost relaxation, and encourage your mind to go in a more positive direction.
Want to give hypnosis a try? Keep these points in mind:
Work with a hypnotist you trust and feel comfortable with. There shouldn’t be overt persuasion for you to undertake treatment if you don’t feel like you are both on the same page. Do your homework and ask for testimonials.
Fully focus on a desire to change. Some clients keep a degree of scepticism but the more open-minded you are better results are likely to follow. Remember hypnosis is not about mind control. It’s yourself allowing yourself to be hypnotised and embrace the hypnotic state. You are in control of your session.
It’s important to let go. You do not need to be actively listening or ‘paying attention’ to what your hypnotist says. The purpose of getting into a hypnotic state is to embed it in your subconscious mind.
Be patient and consistent. Treatment is only as effective as your participation and your consistency with following through on appointments as well as any homework your hypnotist may provide you with. It isn’t an overnight fix and results will build over time.
Anxiety doesn’t have to take over your life.
What is important to understand is that there are options available to you that help eradicate the worst effects of anxiety in your life that will allow you to function.
Anxiety may always be a part of your life (and to a degree, it should be!) but learning how to manage this mental health stressor means that you can learn to get on with your life.
Hypnotherapy treatment for anxiety is a proven method that can transform your life into a naturally calm life.
Contact Sally Davies D.Hyp, PDCHyp, MBSCH for more information:
Tel: 07515 991599